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Calle San Jose, 29400
Ronda Málaga Espana
Telf. : (0034) - 952187313
Earn a living from your Spanish Holiday Home

Date: 18-08-2015 - 02h00
Modif.: 22-08-2015 - 11h36
Lien complet: a living from your Spanish Holiday Home&cod=2087

Make your dream of buying a holiday home become a reality and use it to earn additonal income rather than leave it empty for the main part of the year.


Make your dream of buying a holiday home become a reality and use it to earn additonal income rather than leave it empty for the main part of the year.
The majority of holidaymakers use the internet for information and over 60% book their holiday online. With the popularity of holiday rentals on the rise many owners are learning that renting their own property makes a substantial contribution towards running costs. The popularity of holiday rental websites has made it easier for homeowners with properties abroad to advertise and rent their houses to a worldwide audience.
There are a variety of reasons for the increase in holiday lets in recent years, these being mainly financial factors, owners may need to rent their holiday home through the year to cover the costs associated with the property, as a means of simply earning an additional income or to increase their pension pot. For the holidaymaker it is the additional space and privacy a holiday rental offers compared to that of a hotel room.
When you factor in the economics of each accommodation type, holiday rentals frequently offer far better value for money, in particular for families and friends who would otherwise require to book multiple hotel rooms.

The increase of rural tourism properties for rent in white-washed mountain villages, such as Grazalema or Zahara de la Sierra offer the opportunity for the traveller to taste a traditional Spanish way of life and to partake in local activities away from the hustle and bustle of the coast. Country sports such as walking, climbing and horse-riding provide a more ‘typically Spanish’ holiday experience and are in high demand, as many holidaymakers now look for a more authentic experience.

Spain´s appeal beyond the traditional beach holiday now turns to city, cultural and activity breaks and rentals in these fields are on the upturn. City cente rentals are on the rise with high interest in renting houses or apartments in the city of Ronda with its famous gorge and beautiful architect, and not a tea like mother makes in sight! The increase in cheap flights and more routes to choose from has made Spain a number one must see. A UK favourite holiday destination the Spanish lifestyle, beautiful scenery, good food and wine and the generosity of its people make it a very desirable location for both families and older holiday makers alike, and of course, prices are very competitive particularly at the moment with the exchange rate being so favourble from Sterling into Euro.

Owners may want to simply use the house part of the year to escape from the cold winter months of their homeland. Properties can be rented on short term holiday lets or long term rental, a minimum of 3/6 months, allowing the owners to take full benefit from their holiday property or second home.

Malaga Province is the most popular Spanish destination as the holiday income statics below shows:




Average per week rental income (low season)*

Average per week rental income (high season)*


Malaga Province














Jávea, Moraira & Denia



** (figures based on volume of enquiries and rental rates of 2 bed properties advertised in Spain on

5 Tips To Think About When Renting Your Home:

1) Cover yourself: Take advice to understand the tax implications and take out appropriate insurance

2) Research the market: Find out how similar accommodation is priced in the area. Look around when you are next there and get an idea of which type of tourist is likely to be interested in renting.

3) Furnish your property for rentals: Keep décor simple, bright and clean. Buy good, comfortable beds. Ensure that everything is in working order and that you have all the facilities guests would expect at a self-catering home

4) Take quality photos & prepare a description of your property and location: Exterior and interior shots and photos of each room. Write an encouraging text highlighting features of the property and location

5) Promoting your property: You need to advertise your property to get bookings in the first instance. Many holidaymakers return to the same places if they have enjoyed a good holiday in a comfortable and attractive accommodation and word of mouth is always good. There are a variety of holiday rental websites available for owners to choose from, or place it in the hands of an Agent who will do all the work for you for an Agency Fee. A website is recommended in order for you to benefit from booking enquiries all year round, however, it is not essential.

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